JavaScript Coding Kickstarter – Internal Testing

Our course structure takes a blended learning approach, designed to provide you with a comprehensive learning experience through a mixture of independent learning and interactive Live Lab sessions. 

Blended Learning Structure

  1. Independent Learning:

Each week, you will receive approximately one hour of pre-recorded content and quizzes. Lessons are divided into separate topics, each with a multiple-choice quiz to reinforce your learning. 

  1. Live Lab sessions:

Following your independent learning, you will participate in a one-hour Live Lab session with two experienced instructors. This session is an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned and ask questions. It’s also a great chance to meet your co-learners and instructors! 

Please ensure you complete all independent learning before joining the Live Lab session, to maximise your experience.

We’re excited to embark on this learning journey with you!

+4 enrolled
Not Enrolled (75 places remaining)
This course is currently closed

Class Includes

  • 9 Weeks
  • 31 Topics
  • 29 Quizzes

JavaScript Coding Kickstarter – Internal Testing